How it works

législation télétravail étrangé

Join the Holiworking concept/experience

Your employee (Holiworker) expresses his/her wish to live the Holiworking experience.
You, (Holicompany), put forward the Holiworking experience to your employee.

Your employee sends you a request for international mobility, specifying the destination and the period of time.
By clicking on the phone icon, you will be called back within 24 hours. A Holiteam advisor will be available to answer your questions.

Our HR and lawyers have worked to make the implementation of this new working method simple and reliable:
- Provision of all the necessary contractual documents
- Setting up health, provident, and pension cover as an alternative to existing funds
- Accompaniment of the Holiworker before and during his stay to ensure that the objectives of his professional mission are met.

Once you are well informed and reassured, you give your employee your agreement in principle.

Operational terms validation

We analyze together the specificities of your company and the employment contract, your needs, and requirements, as well as your employee's wishes.

We then submit you the following items:

- An amendment to the employment contract
- A service contract with Holiworking-Holicompany payroll mandate
- An example of a payslip for your firm or your internal payroll department.

This is how we specify all the terms of the Holiworking service.
Together we conclude the service contract, and you sign the amendment to the employment contract with your employee.
For more information on the overall operation, click here.

Holiworker’s preparation for departure

The Holiworker, on his side adheres to the Holiworking service and prepares his departure with the Holiteam support. Before departure, a rigorous follow-up of the mandatory steps is carried out with your employee: passport, visa, vaccine(s), health insurance, provident fund, retirement (optional), banking services and accommodation.

The Holiworking experience is contractual over full months to simplify the establishment of French payslips. Together with your employee ,we validate his departure/return dates and the vacations he needs to take (The travel time is not considered as working time).

Holiworking support throughout the expatriation

In the host country, Holiworking provides :

- The employee income and social welfare;
- Support for the employee installation and integration, in his/her host country;
- The framework guaranteeing the execution of your employee's mission remotely, with the provision of a coworking space;
- A follow-up of your employee's working hours (mandatory reporting);
- A quarterly follow-up interview with the employee.

Daily, our Holicoach is your contact in the host country.

For more information, see our FAQ

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