Travelling safely during COVID: Instructions for use

Published: 26-05-2021

2/ Health risk

Isn't it riskier to catch Covid abroad than in France?

Although public health services may be less efficient in some countries, expatriates generally benefit from good health coverage in the host country, which is the case for Holiworkers. So if your company offers you a digital nomadic experience without professional risk and with the possibility of increasing your skills while respecting social distancing gestures and benefiting from health coverage as good as in France, is there a risk of leaving?


3/ Prerequisites

More and more countries have decided to open their borders to tourists for obvious financial reasons. However, this opening does not mean traveling without constraint, as was the case before Covid-19. Depending on the country, there are several prerequisites: negative PCR test, quarantine upon arrival, vaccination, etc. Therefore, we advise you to learn in advance about the sanitary rules in force in your destination country. The France Diplomatie website will be your best ally; you will have access to all the updated information by the government and will benefit from alerts and safety instructions throughout your expatriation by registering on Ariane.


Short expatriation means to travel. Is it crazy to live a digital nomad experience during the Covid-19 period? No, and we tell you why.

If the period doesn't make it easy to travel abroad, it doesn't prevent it. Also, some easy measures to put in place allow us to approach this stage with serenity to make the most of this experience, especially abroad.


1/ Planning your departure

Even though there is a wind of uncertainty on our planet, it is still important to plan one's departure and the terms of one's expatriation. It is also essential to establish a roadmap, which can be adapted if necessary according to the evolution of the health situation.

Plunged into the unknown during the last 18 months, improving the health situation associated with the generalization of vaccination allows us today to approach the future with more serenity and clarity. There is, therefore, no need to be nervous about changing your initial dates slightly. As all the actors involved (private and institutional) are now "broken in" and able to provide you with the necessary information in due time, the implementation of your experience as an employee digital nomad will be significantly facilitated.

2/ Health risk

Isn't it riskier to catch Covid abroad than in France?

Although public health services may be less efficient in some countries, expatriates generally benefit from good health coverage in the host country, which is the case for Holiworkers. So if your company offers you a digital nomadic experience without professional risk and with the possibility of increasing your skills while respecting social distancing gestures and benefiting from health coverage as good as in France, is there a risk of leaving?


3/ Prerequisites

More and more countries have decided to open their borders to tourists for obvious financial reasons. However, this opening does not mean traveling without constraint, as was the case before Covid-19. Depending on the country, there are several prerequisites: negative PCR test, quarantine upon arrival, vaccination, etc. Therefore, we advise you to learn in advance about the sanitary rules in force in your destination country. The France Diplomatie website will be your best ally; you will have access to all the updated information by the government and will benefit from alerts and safety instructions throughout your expatriation by registering on Ariane.


4/ A short expatriation is always a great adventure

In the current period where the pandemic is playing with our nerves and where everyone has to show great adaptability in the face of daily life and the frustration it generates, expatriation offers this openness of mind that will allow you to be better armed than people who have never changed countries.

To live a short expatriation, even during the Covid-19 period, is above all to seize an opportunity. An opportunity to discover a new country, a new culture, learn a new language, expand one's professional network and circle of friends, and improve one's skills and self-esteem, but above all, it is a chance to grow professionally and personally at the same time. 


#digitalnomad #expatriation #positivism 

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